AAPI of Hampton Roads

Serving our local community with our talents and service

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Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin Hampton Roads

AAPI-HR has been in existence as an informal body for over 20 years. In 2005 we began the process of formalizing the organization. In 2009 we achieved a tax exempt status giving AAPI-HR a 501(c)3 status. Immediately, members worked together to raise funds as a formal organization with the goal to give back to the community they had adopted. Currently AAPI-HR has more than 150 members.

The central tenets of AAPI-HR are:
  1. To bring together individuals and organizations of physicians, dentists and other medical scientists of Indian heritage practicing in the Hampton Roads region under one umbrella organization.
  2. AAPI-HR was organized exclusively for scientific, educational, cultural and charitable purposes.
  3. To assist medical and dental students and students of human sciences, physicians and dentists to obtain scientific training in the United States.
  4. To conduct seminars and other educational programs to acquaint members of new scientific developments in the field of human medicine.
  5. To support and foster the availability of medical assistance to indigent people.
  6. To make contributions to institutions that qualify as tax exempt organizations.
  7. To provide mutual understanding and cooperation between AAPI-HR and other medical societies in the United States and India. 

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AAPI of Hampton Roads is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. http://www.aapihr.org/

P.O. Box 6428, Portsmouth, VA 23703-6428 

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